I like / I dislike
Week 19 [20240316-20240322]


Every Monday, the Research Trainees of the CERESE assess the news of the previous week. You can read their opinions below:


I like…


the agreement to launch negotiations between the leaders of the European Union (EU) and Bosnia and Herzegovina for its accession to the EU. It was pointed out that the Balkan country should undertake more reforms before the start of negotiations. The decision is widely seen as a landmark step for Bosnia and Herzegovina, raising hopes that the country could overcome instability marked by ethnic rivalries and threats of secession, almost three decades after the end of a devastating war. Bosnia and Herzegovina is officially a candidate for EU membership in 2022 but had to implement a series of reforms before it was “given the green light” to move to the next stage.



...China’s mediation of a ceasefire in Ukraine. According to Chinese Special Envoy for Eurasian Affairs, Li Hui, China is expected to play an important role in the Ukrainian issue by actively participating in finding a solution through diplomatic means. Moreover, he hopes that despite their differences, the warring parties will recognize negotiations as the best solution, urging China to play a constructive role in them. The country may be criticised for strengthening its relations with Russia after the invasion, but it has proposed its own “12-point plan” for peace in Ukraine. However, for the Chinese government, peace is not sought for the global interest, but for economic purposes.



I dislike…


the armed attack in Moscow. The March 22 attack in Moscow, which happened during a cultural event, caused a high number of fatalities. The initial data estimate dozens of victims and multiple injured. The perpetrators’ modus operandi brings back memories from the Chechen conflicts when the fighting had been moved from the actual battlefield to the realm of urban terrorism. This attack is creating a new atmosphere of terror in Moscow, as security measures are expected to be tightened. At the same time, the confusing information that began circulating after the attack has caused a new rhetorical battle between the Kremlin on one side and Kiyv and Washington on the other.



...the gesture of the Prime Minister of Albania in front of the camera. Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama made an inappropriate gesture during his statements in front of television cameras. Specifically, refusing to answer journalist Abrozia Meta’s question, he pushed her in the face with his hand and walked away. This action is not positive and has caused a great deal of uproar and is the subject of international condemnation. The International Organization for the Defence and Support of Women and LGBT+ Journalists “Women Press Freedom” condemned the action of the Albanian Prime Minister, calling it unacceptable and noting that it is not the first time Rama has shown contempt for the press. This gesture goes against the basic principles of democracy and respect for the free press and has raised concerns about the treatment of journalists and press freedom in Albania.





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